Crack List Party

by Y A QU A production



Name a car brand that starts with the letter "C". What about a famous duo that starts with the letter "S"? or a “Thing you should put in the fridge” that start with the letter “M” ?With more than 1000 various categories, “Crack List party” is the perfect fit whether youre partying with two or twenty people. For any group, from childrens parties to adult-only gatherings. Best of all, you dont need controllers, just your phone.And for those who already have the board game, get access to free packs of new lists of all kinds to spice their game evening with family and friends!Its quick, easy, and fun to play : Form 2 teams. Name 1 captain per team. Place the device on the table between the 2 captains and start the game.With each new letter drawn at random, the captain of the team who gives the fastest right answer presses his buzzer and score a point.For example, with the letter P for “Ice cream perfume”. Players can suggest “Peach” or “Apple” or “Pistachio” etc.With the letter M for “Mediterranean island”. Players can suggest “Malta” or “Menorca” or “Mykonos” etc.With the letter P for “Stinky Odor”. Players can suggest “Rotten Fish” or “Fart” or “Piss” etc.With the letter Z for “Social Media Star”. Players can propose ZeratoR, Zendaya, or even Mark Zuckerberg etc.8 letters per category. 4 category per game.But in “Crack List Party”, watch out for the pledges!At the end of the game, the winning team draws a "pledge" card and chooses one to inflict on one of the members of the losing team! :Mimic a champion performing a pole vaultRead your last text message out loudTry to touch your nose with your tongueEtc.With more than 1000 and categories of all kinds, “Crack List Party” is suitable for all types of parties through a large range of specific packs of categories :Friends PackFor parties with friends at aperitif, after or before it depends!Family packFor family parties with young and oldKids PackTo include little ones, from 7 years oldFun PackFor 100% crazy and hilarious categories“Champion’s list” PackFor competition fans and Mr/Mrs I know everythingCRACK LIST PARTY gives the all-time childhood favorite a new spin by turning it into an exciting party game you can play anywhere and anytile with family or friends. Expect challenges, low blows, a sprinkling of strategy and above all, lots of laughs! It offers hundreds of exciting new categories and endless reasons to get together and have some fun. Test your knowledge (and your nerve) against your friends and family in this hilarious, fast thinking category game for 2 to 20 players.